Below is a general overview of the training sessions I can provide to help you and your organisation to fruitfully apply, and manage, H2020 Marie S. Curie grants:
Individual fellowships (IF)
This training focuses on providing useful information to individual researchers as to how write and submit successful and competitive proposals in collaboration with their host/supervisor. It is also aimed at hosting organisations willing to recruit and attract researchers from all over the world. Dos’ and don’ts for proposal development and grant management are also provided.
Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges (RISE)
How proposals should embed networking opportunities, transfer of knowledge (ToK) and the skills development of staff members of participating organisations. Guidelines as how EC allowances can be managed with Third countries are also provided.
Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
The training focuses on the functioning and rules governing all 3 ITN schemes and/or can be tailored to a specific ITN scheme:
1) European Innovative Network (ETN): joint research training, implemented by at least three partners from in and outside academia, to foster early stage researchers (ESRs) experience in different sectors and develop their transferable skills by working on joint research projects.
2) European Industrial Doctorate (EID): joint doctoral training delivered by at least one academic partner entitled to award doctoral degrees, and at least one partner from the non-academic sector, academia, primarily enterprises. Each recruited ESR is enrolled in a doctoral programme and is jointly supervised by supervisors from both sectors. The aim is for the doctoral candidates to develop skills inside and outside academia, where they must spend at least 50% of their PhD time, that respond to public and private sector needs.
3) European Joint Doctorates (EJD): a minimum of three academic organisations based in Europe with the aim of delivering joint, double or multiple degrees to promote international, intersectoral and multi/interdisciplinary collaboration in doctoral training in Europe. Joint supervision of ESRs.
It entails real proposal writing exercises, including how to fill in Part A (A1 to A5) and develop the contents of Part B1 and B2 (the project), with the construction of the consortium budget. Training on the management of ITN grants is also provided, with live sessions on the Grant Agreement Preparation stage (GaP).
Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)
How strategically prepare a winning COFUND proposal, from choices to be made on the selection and recruitment process to the types of employment contracts that can be issued up to the development of the budget that must be co-financed by the EC, and if possible by other funding organisations (how to create synergies of funding). Group exercises on developing the contents of Part B are also provided, together with live sessions on the use of the EURAXESS Portal where vacancies must be published. Grant management workshops are also provided, including technical and financial reporting.