As your Horizon Europe (HE) Funding Navigator I can help you, your organisation and your Team successfully develop proposals through a varied set of customised project development supporting services tailored to your needs, including proposal writing! I also provide customised grant management services.
Support for Proposal Development
- Identification of innovative project ideas
- Identification of the specific HE funding Programme and Call to be tackled
- Provision of “annotated” projects’ templates
- Guidelines and support for proposal development until final submission
- Full Proposal writing
- Proposal budget development
- Proposal pre-screening/Quality review
- Project final evaluation
- Coordination of communication among Partners and within the project development Team
- Support for proposal registration and administrative Forms A on-line
Support for Grant Management
- Management of the Grant Agreement Preparation Phase (GaP)
- Full Project Management (MSCA COFUND, Doctoral Networks and Staff Exchange; collaborative projects)
- Management of the project/programme Training activities
- Project Partnership Management
- Support for EC Financial and Technical Reporting
- Management of Dissemination and Communication activities
- Support for Open Science
As Your Funding Navigator I will support you, your Team and your organisation or main host with your grant application wherever you may currently be in the overall process of proposal development. I can also help you to:
- construct the best consortium or reach the most suitable host organisation
- best develop your proposal according to your, and European, research and innovation, training and technological needs
- customise your project idea according to EU priorities
- strengthen your existing collaborations and open-up to new ones
- secure strategic relationships for current and future new research, business and job opportunities in your area.
Being a Funding Navigator, I work in a very strict and confidential collaboration with my clients from the very beginning of the project development to better scope out the expected project results, and accordingly we build up together the timeframe and the bespoke supporting services required to reach the most positive conclusion.
That is why I offer specialised and on-demand supporting and consultancy services for proposal writing and grant management, with a focus on:
Horizon Europe Marie S. Curie Actions Programme (MSCA) READ MORE
Horizon Europe European Research Council grants (ERC) READ MORE
Horizon Europe collaborative projects: Research and Innovation Actions (RIA, IA), Coordination and Supporting Actions (CSA) related to any scientific or technical discipline
- success rate for MSCA-ITN-2018 30%
- success rate of supported grants Call MSCA IF 2018 100%
- success rate for the Call MSCA RISE 2019 100%
- success rate of supported grants Call MSCA IF 2020 75%
- success rate of supported grants Call MSCA COFUND DP 2020 50%
- success rate for the call and European initiative RESEARCHERS NIGHT 2019, 2020 and 2020-bis 100%
- successfully supported 5 Horizon Europe ERC StG 2021 0%
iKonsulting di Katia Insogna
VAT n. 15046831002
PEC (Only for Italian public administrations):